Hero MotoCorp hit a new high of Rs 3,849, up 3% on BSE, after the company reported 8.7% growth in sales at 633,884 units in May. The country's largest two-wheeler maker had sold 583,117 units in May 2016.
In the month of April, the company recorded 3.5% decline in sales at 591,306 units of two-wheelers.
“Riding on sustained popular demand for its range of motorcycle and scooters, the world’s largest two-wheeler manufacturer reported yet another month of six-lakh plus unit sales,” Hero MotoCorp said in a statement.
The company said it has lined up a slew of
In the month of April, the company recorded 3.5% decline in sales at 591,306 units of two-wheelers.
“Riding on sustained popular demand for its range of motorcycle and scooters, the world’s largest two-wheeler manufacturer reported yet another month of six-lakh plus unit sales,” Hero MotoCorp said in a statement.
The company said it has lined up a slew of