Shares of Hindustan Dorr-Oliver were up 5.5% at Rs 28 after the company late Thursday said it has received two prestigious orders from Gujarat State Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd worth Rs 277 crore.
The first order is for supply of water soluble fertiliser plant having capacity of 60 MTPD is worth Rs 37 crore. The project is coming up at GSFC's Vadodara complex, Hindustan Dorr-Oliver said in a release to the Bombay Stock Exchange.
The second order is for supply of 'D' Train DAP/NPK Plant having capacity of 1,650 MTPD valued at Rs 240 crore. The project is coming up in GSFC's existing complex in Sikka near Jamnagar, the release said.
Over 700,000 shares were traded on both the stock exchanges so far.