Hindustan Composites surged 20% to Rs 1,908 on BSE in early morning after the company announced a bonus issue and stock split plan.
“The board of directors of the company is scheduled to be held on Monday, 10th April, 2017, to consider and approve further issue of shares by way of bonus shares and to consider the sub division of face value of equity shares of the company,” Hindustan Composites said in a release.
The stock split is generally done to improve liquidity of the shares in the stock markets as also to make
“The board of directors of the company is scheduled to be held on Monday, 10th April, 2017, to consider and approve further issue of shares by way of bonus shares and to consider the sub division of face value of equity shares of the company,” Hindustan Composites said in a release.
The stock split is generally done to improve liquidity of the shares in the stock markets as also to make