Shares of Hindustan Zinc hit 52-week low of Rs 257, down 4 per cent on BSE, after the company reported 4 per cent year-on-year (YoY) decline in net profit at Rs 2,211 crore in December quarter (Q3FY19). The net profit was higher as compared to an average analyst estimate of Rs 2,155 crore, on account of higher other income.
Operational revenue during the quarter under review of Rs 5,540 crore, lower by 6 per cent from a year-ago on account of lower metal prices, partly offset by rupee depreciation. On sequential basis, revenue grew 16 per cent primarily led
Operational revenue during the quarter under review of Rs 5,540 crore, lower by 6 per cent from a year-ago on account of lower metal prices, partly offset by rupee depreciation. On sequential basis, revenue grew 16 per cent primarily led