Shares of HLE Glascoat surged 19 per cent to Rs 6,163.90 on the BSE in intra-day trade on Monday after the company acquired the global business of Thaletec GmbH. The stock of the leading manufacturer of process equipment has surpassed its previous high of Rs 5,957.80 touched on 20 September, 2021.
HLE Glascoat on Friday, 17 September, 2021 announced the signing of definitive agreements to acquire the global business of Thaletec GmbH, Germany as well as its subsidiary Thaletec USA, as a part of its strategy to strengthen its position further in the global markets with innovative technology. As
HLE Glascoat on Friday, 17 September, 2021 announced the signing of definitive agreements to acquire the global business of Thaletec GmbH, Germany as well as its subsidiary Thaletec USA, as a part of its strategy to strengthen its position further in the global markets with innovative technology. As