Infosys has moved higher by 2% to Rs 966, trading at day’s highest level on the BSE at 02:18 pm, after the company denied any governance lapses alleged by some sections of the media in reports that have appeared in the last few days on purported rifts among the Founders, the Board and the Management.
In past two trading sessions, the stock outperformed the market by gaining 3% as compared to 0.29% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. From its recent low of Rs 917 on February 2, it was up 5% against 0.52% gain in the benchmark index.
In past two trading sessions, the stock outperformed the market by gaining 3% as compared to 0.29% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. From its recent low of Rs 917 on February 2, it was up 5% against 0.52% gain in the benchmark index.