Shares of InterGlobe Aviation (IndiGo), which operates India's biggest airline, moved higher by 6 per cent to Rs 2,268 on the BSE in Friday’s intra-day trade after nearly 1 per cent of total equity of the aviation company changed hands on the counter. The stock was trading close to its record high level of Rs 2,306.15 touched on September 22, 2021.
At 10:34 am; the stock was trading 5.4 per cent higher at Rs 2,263, as compared to 0.28 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. Around 4.28 million equity shares representing 1.1 per cent of total equity
At 10:34 am; the stock was trading 5.4 per cent higher at Rs 2,263, as compared to 0.28 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. Around 4.28 million equity shares representing 1.1 per cent of total equity