Investors have lost a whopping amount of Rs 18 trillion in the stock market in past two months with Rs 2.3 trillion being wiped out in Friday’s trade so far, amidst a global sell off over concerns related to a trade war between the US and China.
The S&P BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 index were down 1.4% today, falling 10% in past two months. Total investor wealth, measured in terms of cumulative market value of all listed stocks on BSE, fell by Rs 18 trillion during the period to Rs 138.56 trillion at 10:55 AM; the exchange data
The S&P BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 index were down 1.4% today, falling 10% in past two months. Total investor wealth, measured in terms of cumulative market value of all listed stocks on BSE, fell by Rs 18 trillion during the period to Rs 138.56 trillion at 10:55 AM; the exchange data