Capital-raising by way of initial public offerings (IPO) so far in 2015 has climbed to its highest level in five years. Companies have raised nearly Rs 7,500 crore through 16 IPOs this year, over six times the amount raised last year. The recently-concluded Rs 1,100-crore IPO of Coffee Day Enterprises saw fund-raising for the year surpass that of 2011, when 37 companies had together raised nearly Rs 6,000 crore.
IPOs worth nearly Rs 4,000 crore, including that of InterGlobe Aviation, are likely to hit the market this month. Fund-raising through IPOs had slumped in the previous two years. IPO activity has seen traction only recently, with companies queuing up to market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) with offer documents for IPOs.
Despite a rise in capital-raising, the amount raised so far this year is only a fraction of what India Inc had raised in 2010 through IPOs. In 2010, Rs 37,535 crore was raised by 64 companies.