Amid profit-taking by speculators and subdued domestic and export demand, jeera prices fell by Rs 185 to Rs 14,597 per quintal in futures trading today.
Marketmen said expectations of higher jeera production in 2012 because of increased acreage this season influenced the market sentiment.
Jeera sowing rose by 50% this season to 368,000 hectares in Gujarat as on January 16, according to a report.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, jeera for delivery in March lost Rs 185, or 1.22%, to Rs 14,597 per quintal, with an open interest of 14,606 lots.
The February contract shed Rs 170, or 1.18%, to Rs 14,285 per quintal, with an open interest of 14,290 lots.
Market analysts said apart from profit-booking, weak domestic and export demand also kept pressure on the jeera futures prices here.