Shares of Jet Airways (India) were locked in the upper circuit for fifth straight day, up 5 per cent at Rs 36.45 on the BSE on Wednesday on hopes for the revival. In the past week, the stock has gained 27 per cent, as compared to a 1 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Till 11:44 am, a combined around 95,000 shares had changed hands and there were pending buy orders for 125,000 shares on the BSE and NSE, the exchange data shows.
According to a Business Standard report, eighteen months after it was grounded, Jet
Till 11:44 am, a combined around 95,000 shares had changed hands and there were pending buy orders for 125,000 shares on the BSE and NSE, the exchange data shows.
According to a Business Standard report, eighteen months after it was grounded, Jet