Shares of Jet Airways are trading higher by 4% at Rs 353 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) after the company increased its daily seat deployment on the domestic network by 1,000 seats along with the addition of new services to enhance the connectivity within the country. CLICK FOR FULL REPORT
The airline offers 64,500 seats per day as against 63,500 seats available earlier on its domestic flights, Jet Airways said in a release.
The new services which will commence between July 23 and September, include a ninth daily service between Mumbai and Chennai, a second service between Kolkata and Bengaluru and a fourth daily service connecting Mangaluru with Mumbai, it added.
Besides, new daily flights connecting Bhopal and Indore with Lucknow (via Delhi), Bhopal with Hyderabad (via Mumbai) and Hyderabad with Rajahmundry are also being rolled out, according to the filing.
The stock opened at Rs 341 and touched a high of Rs 355 on the BSE. A total of 464,016 shares changed hands on the BSE so far.