Shares of Jet Airways turned volatile, rising 9 per cent to Rs 296 apiece in afternoon deals on the back of heavy volumes. The stock recovered 15 per cent from its early morning low of Rs 257.
Jet Airways opened 5 per cent lower, extending its 8 per cent decline in the previous day after the media report suggested Etihad Airways offered to invest in the debt-laden carrier at a discounted rate of Rs 150 per share.
At 02:45 PM, the stock was trading 6 per cent higher at Rs 288 on the BSE, as compared to 0.10
Jet Airways opened 5 per cent lower, extending its 8 per cent decline in the previous day after the media report suggested Etihad Airways offered to invest in the debt-laden carrier at a discounted rate of Rs 150 per share.
At 02:45 PM, the stock was trading 6 per cent higher at Rs 288 on the BSE, as compared to 0.10