JK Lakshmi touched a new high of Rs 75.40. The stock ended at Rs 75.15, up around 20% near its day's high. The counter clocked relatively heavy volume of around 1 million shares today.
Updated at 1054 Hrs
JK Lakshmi has surged over 14% on the backdrop of good Q4 results.
The stock touched a high of Rs 73 and is now trading at Rs 72, up% 14%. The counter has clocked a heavy volume of 272,369 shares as against its two-week average daily traded volume of around 82,971 shares on the BSE so far.
According to a release issued by the company to he BSE, the net profit for the quarter ended March 2009, has soared 54% to Rs 104.08 crore as against the Rs 67.63 crore in the corresponding period a year ago.
The total income has increased 24% to Rs 364.55 crore from Rs 292.65 crore.