Jubilant FoodWorks hit a new high of Rs 2,796, up 1%, extending its past two days 3% gain on the BSE, ahead of record date for 1:1 bonus issue. The stock will turn ex-bonus on Thursday, June 21, 2018.
The Capital Issue Committee has fixed Saturday, June 23, 2018 as the record date, for the purpose of determining the list of equity shareholders who will be entitled for issue and allotment of bonus equity shares in the proportion of 1 equity share of Rs 10 each for every 1 equity share of Rs 10 each of the Company.
The Capital Issue Committee has fixed Saturday, June 23, 2018 as the record date, for the purpose of determining the list of equity shareholders who will be entitled for issue and allotment of bonus equity shares in the proportion of 1 equity share of Rs 10 each for every 1 equity share of Rs 10 each of the Company.