Shares of Kabra Extrusiontechnik soared 17 per cent to Rs 482 apiece in Monday’s intra-day trade after Battrixx, a division of the company, inked partnership to develop indigenous lithium-ion batteries with Hero Electric, the largest electric two-wheeler (e2W) company in India.
Conceptualized and designed in-house with Hero’s R&D team, these batteries are equipped with advanced technology, electrifying Hero Electric’s entire e-scooter range. This partnership supports battery safety advancements, reliability, performanc, and fully supports Hero's aggressive production line-up to meet the rising e2W demand.
“This will prove to be a very strategic partnership for the development and manufacturing of
Conceptualized and designed in-house with Hero’s R&D team, these batteries are equipped with advanced technology, electrifying Hero Electric’s entire e-scooter range. This partnership supports battery safety advancements, reliability, performanc, and fully supports Hero's aggressive production line-up to meet the rising e2W demand.
“This will prove to be a very strategic partnership for the development and manufacturing of