Shares of KEI Industries jumped 5 per cent to Rs 547 on the BSE on Friday, after the cable maker undertook the issue of equity shares on a qualified institutions placement (QIP) basis.
The company said it launched a qualified placement of shares on Thursday and fixed the floor price of Rs 518.14 per share. It plans to raise up to Rs 500 crore from the issue.
The amount raised will be used for the pre-payment and / or repayment of outstanding indebtedness (whether in whole or in part), funding the long term growth of existing businesses and
The company said it launched a qualified placement of shares on Thursday and fixed the floor price of Rs 518.14 per share. It plans to raise up to Rs 500 crore from the issue.
The amount raised will be used for the pre-payment and / or repayment of outstanding indebtedness (whether in whole or in part), funding the long term growth of existing businesses and