Shares of Kitex Garments hit a 52-week high of Rs 240.80 after rallying 9 per cent on the BSE in Thursday’s intra-day trade in an otherwise weak market. This came on the back of heavy volumes. The stock was trading at its highest level since May 2018.
In the past three trading days, the stock of the textile - infant/kids apparel manufacturing company has zoomed 23 per cent after it reported a strong 69 per cent year on year (YoY) growth in total revenues at Rs 205 crore for October-December quarter (Q3FY22). It had recorded total revenues of Rs
In the past three trading days, the stock of the textile - infant/kids apparel manufacturing company has zoomed 23 per cent after it reported a strong 69 per cent year on year (YoY) growth in total revenues at Rs 205 crore for October-December quarter (Q3FY22). It had recorded total revenues of Rs