Shares of KPR Mill hit a fresh all-time high at Rs 503.60, on rallying 9 per cent on the BSE in intra-day trade on Monday. The stock of the company engaged in textiles and sugar segments has surged 20 per cent after it turned ex-stock split for 1:5 on Friday.
“The board of directors of the company for sub-division of equity shares has fixed Monday, the 27th September, 2021 as the record date for determining the members of the Company who are entitled for the sub-divided equity shares of the face value of Re 1 each,” KPR Mill had
“The board of directors of the company for sub-division of equity shares has fixed Monday, the 27th September, 2021 as the record date for determining the members of the Company who are entitled for the sub-divided equity shares of the face value of Re 1 each,” KPR Mill had