The Sensex is displaying lacklustre movement and is now up six points at 10,633. Tata Motors has soared over 4% to Rs 899. Bajaj Auto and Maruti have rallied 2.5% each to Rs 2,790 and Rs 925, respectively. Bharti Tele has spurted 1.5% to Rs 402. Tata Power, SBI and Dr.Reddy's have gained over 1% each at Rs 543, Rs 905 and Rs 1,326, respectively. BHEL is the other smart gainer among the Senex stocks. HDFC has shed 1.5% at Rs 1,336. Gujarat Ambuja and Infosys are down 1% each at Rs 90.45 and Rs 2,827, respectively. Out of 2,415 stocks traded so far, 1,271 have slipped, 1,049 have moved up and the rest are unchanged. |