Shares of Lakshmi Vilas Bank dipped 10.7% to Rs 175 on BSE in early morning trade on profit booking after the company reported 6.29% year on year (Y-o-Y) rise in net profit to Rs 52.16 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2017 (Q4FY17).
Net interest income (interest earned minus interest expended) was up 31.8% to Rs 228 crore as against Rs 173 crore a year ago.
The bank’s assets quality improved sequentially with gross non-performing assets (NPAs) as percentage of gross advances stood at 2.67% in Q4 against 2.78% in Q3. Net NPAs also improved to 1.76%
Net interest income (interest earned minus interest expended) was up 31.8% to Rs 228 crore as against Rs 173 crore a year ago.
The bank’s assets quality improved sequentially with gross non-performing assets (NPAs) as percentage of gross advances stood at 2.67% in Q4 against 2.78% in Q3. Net NPAs also improved to 1.76%