Shares of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) were trading higher for the fourth straight day on Tuesday. The stock jumped 7 per cent to Rs 968.25 in intra-day deal on the BSE after the company bagged large contracts worth more than Rs 2,500 crore.
At 01:38 pm, L&T was the top gainer among 30-share S&P BSE Sensex, as compared to a 1 per cent rise in the benchmark index. In the past four trading days, the stock has rallied 9.5 per cent from Rs 884.55 on June 17.
The construction arm of L&T has secured orders from prestigious clients
At 01:38 pm, L&T was the top gainer among 30-share S&P BSE Sensex, as compared to a 1 per cent rise in the benchmark index. In the past four trading days, the stock has rallied 9.5 per cent from Rs 884.55 on June 17.
The construction arm of L&T has secured orders from prestigious clients