The Sensex has recorded its longest-ever, non-stop climb of 1,645 points in just eight trading sessions between September 17 and September 27. Meanwhile, the S&P CNX Nifty too has increased by a record 500 points. |
During the course of the rally, the Sensex rose 10.62 per cent from 15,504.43 on September 17 to 17,150.56 on Thursday. Earlier, the Sensex's longest non-stop rise was of 1,301.42 points between August 23 and September 4 this year. |
Over 15 years ago, in 1992, Big Bull Harshad Mehta drove an unbroken 1,165.54-point rally in 10 trading sessions from 2382.07 on February 19 to 3547.61 on March 9. |
In the current surge, the major contributors have been Reliance Industries, ICICI Bank, Bharti Airtel and HDFC. These four heavyweights added almost 50 per cent, or 792 points. |
All the stocks in the 30-scrip Sensex, except Ambuja Cements, gained ground. The Ambuja stock fell 0.06 per cent from Rs 145.19 to Rs 145.15 on the BSE. |
Reliance Industries, which has the highest weightage of 14.26 per cent in the Sensex, accounted for 19 per cent "� 307.56 points "� of the total gain. In the period, the stock rose 14.4 per cent to Rs 2,320.20. |
ICICI Bank, which has the second highest weightage (9.98 per cent), contributed 223 points, Bharti Airtel 146.83 points and housing finance company HDFC 114.67 points. |
Reliance Communications (56.31 points) and Reliance Energy (50.70 points) together contributed 107.01 points. Reliance Energy, the largest gainer, appreciated 23 per cent from Rs 907.80 to Rs 1,117.25 during the period. |
Larsen & Toubro, State Bank of India, ONGC, HDFC Bank and Infosys Technologies contributed more than 75 points each. |