Shares of Lupin dipped 2.8% to Rs 1,267, extending its Tuesday’s 2.5% fall on the BSE, after the company on Friday after market hours said US health regulator issued three observations for its Goa plant. The stock is currently trading at its lowest level since August 26, 2014.
Recently, the company’s Goa manufacturing facility underwent an inspection by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The said inspection was completed on April 7, 2017, subsequently to which, the USFDA issued Form 483 citing three observations,” Lupin said in a BSE filing.
The company is in the midst of
Recently, the company’s Goa manufacturing facility underwent an inspection by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The said inspection was completed on April 7, 2017, subsequently to which, the USFDA issued Form 483 citing three observations,” Lupin said in a BSE filing.
The company is in the midst of