Shares of Lupin were up 2% at Rs 910 per share on the BSE in noon deal after the company said it has partnered with Mylan to commercialize Enbrel (Etanercept) biosimilar.
Under the terms of the agreement, Lupin will receive an up-front payment of $15 million and potential commercial milestones together with an equal share in net profits of the product.
Through the partnership agreement, Mylan will commercialize Lupin's proposed etanercept biosimilar in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Africa and most markets throughout Asia, Lupin said in a press release.
Enbrel is a TNF-inhibitor indicated to
Under the terms of the agreement, Lupin will receive an up-front payment of $15 million and potential commercial milestones together with an equal share in net profits of the product.
Through the partnership agreement, Mylan will commercialize Lupin's proposed etanercept biosimilar in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, Africa and most markets throughout Asia, Lupin said in a press release.
Enbrel is a TNF-inhibitor indicated to