Lux Industries rallied to its record high of Rs 1,004, up 11% on BSE in intra-day trade, after Reliance Mutual Fund bought nearly two percentage point stake in hosiery Company via open market.
On Tuesday, June 13, 2017, Reliance Mutual Fund had acquired 444,103 equity shares representing 1.76% stake in Lux Industries at price of Rs 900 per share, the BSE bulk deal data shows.
Valued Securities Private Limited had sold its entire 2.23% or 562,002 shares at an average price of Rs 901.64 per share. CLICK HERE FOR BULK DEAL INFORMATION
The names of
On Tuesday, June 13, 2017, Reliance Mutual Fund had acquired 444,103 equity shares representing 1.76% stake in Lux Industries at price of Rs 900 per share, the BSE bulk deal data shows.
Valued Securities Private Limited had sold its entire 2.23% or 562,002 shares at an average price of Rs 901.64 per share. CLICK HERE FOR BULK DEAL INFORMATION
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