Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) Financial Services has rallied 6% to Rs 267, extending its Friday’s over 8% surge on inclusion in the MSCI India Index with effect from today.
The index provider has added the financial arm of the M&M group of companies to its India index, effective from close of August 30, as per a statement dated August 14.
MSCI is a leading provider of benchmark indices globally and widely tracked by foreign funds.
The stock opened at Rs 255 and hit a high of Rs 268 on BSE. A combined 1.26 million shares change hands on the counter till 1010 hours against an average sub 5 million shares that were traded daily in past two weeks on BSE and NSE.
The stock hit 52-week high of Rs 287.50 on June 19, 2013 on BSE.
The index provider has added the financial arm of the M&M group of companies to its India index, effective from close of August 30, as per a statement dated August 14.
MSCI is a leading provider of benchmark indices globally and widely tracked by foreign funds.
The stock opened at Rs 255 and hit a high of Rs 268 on BSE. A combined 1.26 million shares change hands on the counter till 1010 hours against an average sub 5 million shares that were traded daily in past two weeks on BSE and NSE.
The stock hit 52-week high of Rs 287.50 on June 19, 2013 on BSE.