Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services has rallied 5% to Rs 267 on reports that Mahindra Group financial company has been added in the MSCI emerging markets and India indexes effective September 2.
The index provider has added Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services to its emerging markets and India indexes, effective from the close of August 30, as per an announcement on its website on Thursday as part of its August quarterly index review, the Reuters report suggests.
The stock opened at Rs 261 and hit a high of Rs 269 on BSE. A combined around one million shares change hands on the counter in early morning deals on BSE and NSE.
The index provider has added Mahindra and Mahindra Financial Services to its emerging markets and India indexes, effective from the close of August 30, as per an announcement on its website on Thursday as part of its August quarterly index review, the Reuters report suggests.
The stock opened at Rs 261 and hit a high of Rs 269 on BSE. A combined around one million shares change hands on the counter in early morning deals on BSE and NSE.