Shares of Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) slipped 2 per cent to Rs 512 on the BSE on Friday and was trading close to its 52-week low level. The car & utility vehicles maker's stock is less than 2 per cent away from its 52-week low price of Rs 503, touched on August 14, in intra-day trade.
In past one month, M&M has underperformed the market by falling 12 per cent as the company’s tractor sales delivered disappointing performance. In comparison, the benchmark index S&P BSE Sensex was up marginally by 0.33 per cent.
In November, M&M’s tractor segment’s
In past one month, M&M has underperformed the market by falling 12 per cent as the company’s tractor sales delivered disappointing performance. In comparison, the benchmark index S&P BSE Sensex was up marginally by 0.33 per cent.
In November, M&M’s tractor segment’s