Shares of Manappuram Finance moved higher by 2 per cent to Rs 170 on Thursday, inching towards its all-time high level on the BSE. The stock of non-banking finance company (NBFC) was trading close to its record high of Rs 174 touched on November 4, 2019. It rallied 8 per cent in the past two trading days on the back of heavy delivery-based volumes.
Till 01:35 pm, the trading volumes on the counter was almost double with a combined 5.9 million equity shares changing hands on the NSE and BSE.
Manappuram maintains significant capitalisation and strong profitability, tempered
Till 01:35 pm, the trading volumes on the counter was almost double with a combined 5.9 million equity shares changing hands on the NSE and BSE.
Manappuram maintains significant capitalisation and strong profitability, tempered