Maruti Suzuki is trading higher by 3% at Rs 1,225 after the company reported 5.2% year-on-year (y-o-y) growth in vehicle sales at 115,433 units for the month of January after consecutive decline in the previous seven months.
The company had sold 109,743 units in the same month in the previous year, the India’s largest car maker said in a statement.
The company recorded sales of 101,047 units in the domestic market last month, up 0.6% from 100,422 units in January, 2010. The exports, however, jumped by 54% in January, 2011, to 14,386 units from 9,321 units in the year-ago period, the company added.
A combined 339,277 shares have changed hands on the counter so far on both the exchanges.