Mayur Uniquoters was trading 2% higher at Rs 528, extending its previous day’s 5% gain on the BSE, after the foreign portfolio investor (FPI) bought nearly two percentage point stake in textiles Company through open market.
On Thursday, March 8, 2018, Smallcap World Fund Inc, had purchased a combined 875,586 shares representing 1.93% stake in Mayur Uniquoters at price of Rs 509 per share on the BSE and NSE, the bulk deal data shows. CLICK HERE FOR BULK DEAL DATA
DBS Chola Mutual Fund Mother Code sold 437,500 shares or 0.96% stake at
On Thursday, March 8, 2018, Smallcap World Fund Inc, had purchased a combined 875,586 shares representing 1.93% stake in Mayur Uniquoters at price of Rs 509 per share on the BSE and NSE, the bulk deal data shows. CLICK HERE FOR BULK DEAL DATA
DBS Chola Mutual Fund Mother Code sold 437,500 shares or 0.96% stake at