Mentha oil gained Rs 1.30 or 0.17 per cent to Rs 756 per kg in futures trade today, as traders created fresh positions on pick up in demand in spot markets.
Restricted arrivals from Chandausi in Uttar Pradesh and fresh enquiries from the pharmaceutical units also supported the uptrend in futures market.
At the Multi Commodity Exchange, mentha for June-month contract gained Rs 1.30 or 0.17 per cent to Rs 756 per kg, with an open interest of 2,936 lots.
The oil for delivery in July contract also traded higher by a rupee, or 0.13 per cent to Rs 763.80 per kg, with an open interest of 1,984 lots.
Marketmen said fresh buying by traders followed by pick up in demand at spot markets against restricted arrivals from arrivals from Chandausi in Uttar Pradesh helped mentha prices to gain fresh ground at futures market.