Shares of Metropolis Healthcare, which listed on Monday, climbed as much as 4.76 per cent in the opening deals on Tuesday after Bright Star Investments bought a total of 7,00,000 shares at Rs 948.39 apiece on Monday, NSE bulk deal data showed. In addition, Smaller Cap World Fund also bought a total of 6,86,545 shares at Rs 957.67 apiece.
At 09:51 am, the stock was trading at Rs 983 apiece on BSE, up Rs 23 or 2.44 per cent. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was trading at 39,201, up 295 points or 0.76 per cent.
At 09:51 am, the stock was trading at Rs 983 apiece on BSE, up Rs 23 or 2.44 per cent. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was trading at 39,201, up 295 points or 0.76 per cent.
On Monday, the