The Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (Sebi’s) decision to abolish the extra commission for mutual fund distributors in 15 more cities and towns — from Guwahati in Assam to Raipur in Chhattisgarh — has been received well by India’s Rs 22-trillion mutual fund industry.
According to sector officials, the move will help to bring 30 cities on a par and arrest the churn rate in these regions.
Further, they added the 15 cities were not small ones and mutual fund distribution could grow on its own without additional incentives.
Effective from April 1, 2018, mutual fund
According to sector officials, the move will help to bring 30 cities on a par and arrest the churn rate in these regions.
Further, they added the 15 cities were not small ones and mutual fund distribution could grow on its own without additional incentives.
Effective from April 1, 2018, mutual fund