MMTC is locked in lower circuit of 10% for the second straight day, currently trading at Rs 171, its lowest value since August 2007 on BSE, after the government has fixed the floor price for stake sale at a huge discount.
The issue attracted bids for over 144 million shares, or 1.553 times, against 93.3 million shares on offer, according to data from stock exchanges.
The indicative price was Rs 60.86 apiece, a slightly higher than the base or minimum offer price of Rs 60 a share.
A combined 9,025 shares have changed hands on the counter and there are pending sell orders 18.09 million shares at 0930 hours on BSE and NSE.
The issue attracted bids for over 144 million shares, or 1.553 times, against 93.3 million shares on offer, according to data from stock exchanges.
The indicative price was Rs 60.86 apiece, a slightly higher than the base or minimum offer price of Rs 60 a share.
A combined 9,025 shares have changed hands on the counter and there are pending sell orders 18.09 million shares at 0930 hours on BSE and NSE.