HDIL has topped the value chart with a turnover of Rs 140.51 crore. It is followed by Suzlon (Rs 140.32 crore), GMR Infrastructure (Rs 116.55 crore), Reliance (Rs 115.19 crore) and Reliance Capital (Rs 111.81 crore).
Rishabhdev Technocable continues to lead the volume chart with trades of over 18 million shares. It is followed by IFCI (13.97 million), Unitech (12.52 million), Suzlon (12.15 million) and Ispat Industries (8.50 million).
(Updated at 1118 hrs)
Suzlon has topped the value hart with a turnover of Rs 73.09 crore. It is followed by HDIL (Rs 66.26 crore), Reliance Capital (Rs 63.40 crore), DLF (Rs 50.97 crore), IFCI (Rs 48.63 crore).
The volume chart is being led by debutant Rishabhdev Technocable with trades of over 9.07 million shares, followed by IFCI (9.03 million), Suzlon (6.61 million), Unitech (5.69 million) and Ispat Industries (3.27 million).