Shares of Mphasis were trading 2.2% higher at Rs 1,010 per share, bouncing back 5% from early morning low of Rs 960 touched on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) after nearly 8% of total equity of information technology (IT) company changed hands on the counter through block deals.
Around 15.63 million equity shares representing 8.08% of total equity of Mphasis changed hands on the NSE, the exchange data shows.
The name of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
Till 10:26 am; around 16.99 million equity shares representing 8.7% of total equity of Mphasis changed hands
Around 15.63 million equity shares representing 8.08% of total equity of Mphasis changed hands on the NSE, the exchange data shows.
The name of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
Till 10:26 am; around 16.99 million equity shares representing 8.7% of total equity of Mphasis changed hands