Shares of Mrs Bectors Food Specialities slipped 10 per cent to Rs 303 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Wednesday’s intra-day trade on back of heavy volumes in an otherwise firm market.
At 09:37 am; the stock traded 7 per cent lower at Rs 315, as compared to 0.58 per cent rise in the Nifty50 index. Data shows that a total 13.53 million equity shares representing 23 per cent of total equity of Mrs Bectors Food changed hands on the NSE. However, the names of the buyers are not ascertained immediately.
Meanwhile, the stock had hit a
At 09:37 am; the stock traded 7 per cent lower at Rs 315, as compared to 0.58 per cent rise in the Nifty50 index. Data shows that a total 13.53 million equity shares representing 23 per cent of total equity of Mrs Bectors Food changed hands on the NSE. However, the names of the buyers are not ascertained immediately.
Meanwhile, the stock had hit a