Shares of Muthoot Finance have fallen 7% to Rs 389 per share on the BSE in early morning trade after the company reported 8% year on year (YoY) decline its standalone revenue from financing segment at Rs 15.73 billion in March quarter (Q4FY18). It had revenue from financing segment of Rs 17.10 billion in year ago quarter.
Total revenue including other income fell 6% to Rs 16.08 million from Rs 17.13 billion in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal.
Despite single digit growth in its gold loan portfolio, Muthoot Finance reported 40% YoY growth in net profit at
Total revenue including other income fell 6% to Rs 16.08 million from Rs 17.13 billion in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal.
Despite single digit growth in its gold loan portfolio, Muthoot Finance reported 40% YoY growth in net profit at