Shares of Narayana Hrudayalaya hit a new high of Rs 620, surging 13 per cent on the BSE in Thursday’s intra-day trade after the company reported consolidated net profit of Rs 99.4 crore in September quarter (Q2FY22), on the back of healthy operational performance. The company, a leading healthcare service provider in India, had posted a consolidated net loss of Rs 3.4 crore in Q2FY21.
Indian operations staged a decent recovery during the quarter gone by, after the significant impact was observed in Q1FY22, as the effects of the second wave of the pandemic subsiding.
In Q2FY22, the
Indian operations staged a decent recovery during the quarter gone by, after the significant impact was observed in Q1FY22, as the effects of the second wave of the pandemic subsiding.
In Q2FY22, the