Markets edged down in the afternoon deals, after hitting new record highs at open with Nifty scaling 9,700 for the first time, as investors stayed wary before RBI announces interest rate decision tomorrow.
Sentiment was also subdued after Asian shares fell amid a slew of risk factors, including escalating tensions in the Middle East, the coming testimony of the former FBI director, British elections and a European Central Bank meeting.
Nifty50 rose as much as 34 points to hit its new high of 9,709. Sensex also followed suit, gaining as much as 121 points to scale fresh high
Sentiment was also subdued after Asian shares fell amid a slew of risk factors, including escalating tensions in the Middle East, the coming testimony of the former FBI director, British elections and a European Central Bank meeting.
Nifty50 rose as much as 34 points to hit its new high of 9,709. Sensex also followed suit, gaining as much as 121 points to scale fresh high