NTPC, the state-owned thermal power giant, registered a profit after tax of Rs 2,944 crore in the January-March quarter of 2014-15. For the entire financial year, it was Rs 10,291 crore.
Total income in FY15 rose to Rs 75,362 crore from Rs 74,665 crore in FY14. Generation increased from 233.284 billion units to 241.261 bn units.
It has decided to pay a dividend of Rs 2.50 a share, of which Rs 0.75 was paid in February; an additional Rs 1.75 a share was approved on Friday.
In FY14, it had issued bonus debentures with a face value of Rs 12.50 each, in a ratio of 1:1 for each equity share with face value of Rs 10, totaling to Rs 10,306 crore for its shareholders. In 2014-15, its coal stations had a plant load factor of 80.2 per cent, against a national average of 64.5 per cent.