A huge dip in supply has caused nutmeg prices to rise in the domestic market in the recent weeks. Unshelled nutmeg has appreciated by Rs 60-70 per kg and crossed the psychological mark of Rs 300 a kg. It was expected to cross Rs 300-plus earlier, but it happened only during last week. |
The average price of nutmeg touched Rs 325 a kg, while the best quality spice has been quoted in the range of Rs 340-350. But even at these high prices, the spice is not available in the market, according to Kochi-based exporters. |
An exporter told Business Standard that he wanted to buy 5 tonnes of nutmeg in order to meet export commitments, but could not find the crop in the market. Price of farm gate has touched $8500 a tonne in recent weeks - it was $7215 at the beginning of February - and it has put exporters in a tight spot to procure nutmeg. |
Price of shelled nutmeg is moving in the range of Rs 160-170 a kg, which was Rs 100-110 a kg four weeks ago. |
Kalady-based brokers said the serious drop in production had caused a tight supply condition in the market, hence the current hype in prices. Growers said the initial crop, which known locally as 'Makarakkaya' is not available due to lower output. |
There will be a delay in the next harvesting season as output from plantations will hit terminal markets only by May-end. Usually the early crop hits the market by March-April, but this time there has been heavy drop in production thanks to the prolonged monsoon. |
Meanwhile, price of mace remained almost steady at Rs 420 -460 thanks to imports from Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Price of mace has been moving in a narrow range, although best quality mace is not available in the market. |
Market sources said that price of nutmeg, both shelled and un-shelled, would appreciate further as supply would only be enhanced by June. |
Meanwhile, exports during April-December of 2007-08 have dropped 24 per cent to 1100 tonnes and are valued at Rs 23.82 crore as against 1455 tonnes valued at Rs 29.20 crore in the same period of 2006-07. |