The much-awaited IPO of FSN E-Commerce Ventures, which owns online e-tailer Nykaa, will open for subscription on Thursday in a price band of Rs 1,085 - Rs 1,125. While most analysts recommend subscribing to the issue from a long-term perspective, they do caution against the valuation and online segment that the company operates in.
Here's what leading brokerages said.
Motilal Oswal Securities | Subscribe
We like Nykaa given its leadership position in the online BPC market, customer centric approach, profitable tech platform and capital efficient business model. The issue is valued at 16.1x FY22 EV/Sales on a
Here's what leading brokerages said.
Motilal Oswal Securities | Subscribe
We like Nykaa given its leadership position in the online BPC market, customer centric approach, profitable tech platform and capital efficient business model. The issue is valued at 16.1x FY22 EV/Sales on a