Shares of FSN E-commerce, which operates under Nykaa brand, soared 11 per cent to Rs 1,411.80 on the BSE in Monday’s intra-day trade after the company’s board approved bonus shares in the ratio of 5:1 i.e. five bonus share for every one share held in the company. The stock now trades at its highest level since August 19.
“The board approved bonus issue of equity shares in the proportion 5 fully paid-up equity share of Re 1 each for every 1 fully paid-up equity shares of Re 1 each held by the shareholders of the company as on the
“The board approved bonus issue of equity shares in the proportion 5 fully paid-up equity share of Re 1 each for every 1 fully paid-up equity shares of Re 1 each held by the shareholders of the company as on the