Oil and gas stocks, led by index heavyweight RIL, on Tuesday soared by up to six per cent on the bourses amid falling crude oil prices. Shares of RIL settled 2.58 per cent up at Rs 737.25 on the BSE. State-owned ONGC was up 1.67 per cent at Rs 267.60. Among others, Gail India moved up by 2.66 per cent and OIL India gained 1.47 per cent. Besides, oil marketing companies, too, rallied with HPCL gaining 6.36 per cent, BPCL rose by 1.84 per cent and IOC went up by 3.46 per cent. “PSU oil marketing companies surged on reports that government is likely to raise prices of diesel and cooking gas shortly,” Shanu Goel, research analyst, Bonanza Portfolio said.