The average wholesale prices of onion in various markets across Nashik district, a major hub in the country, dropped in the range of Rs 19 to Rs 90 a quintal on Wednesday compared with the month-ago period because of a rise in arrivals of the crop. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
According to agriculture produce market committee (APMC) sources, the onion markets in the district are expected to be stable for the next couple of weeks. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
On Wednesday, onion was sold at Rs 10 a kg in retail markets across Nashik. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
In the second half of June, lower arrivals of the crop and a sudden rise in demand in the domestic and the international markets had raised onion prices ranging from 49 per cent to 110 per cent in various APMCs across the district.
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On Wednesday, prices declined in the range of 2 per cent to 11 per cent in various APMCs across the district. The average wholesale prices were Rs 810 a quintal (Rs 900 a quintal on June 18) in Yeola APMC, Rs 831 a quintal (Rs 850) in Lasalgaon APMC, Rs 840 a quintal (Rs 901) in Pimpalgaon APMC and Rs 800 a quintal (Rs 850) in Nashik APMC. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
"At present, the arrivals in Lasalgaon APMC are around 12,000 to 15,000 quintals daily for the last couple of weeks. Both the arrivals and the prices are expected to be stable for the next couple of weeks," said sources at Lasalgaon APMC. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Andhra Pradesh government has started procuring onion through Vegetables and Fruits Coop in Lasalgaon to meet the shortage in that state. The Andhra Pradesh government is purchasing around 5,000 quintals daily from Lasalgaon APMC. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maharashtra makes up about 30 per cent of the country's total onion production, with Nashik district contributing 35 to 40 per cent to the state's output. The district produces about 12 lakh tonnes of onion each year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||