The stock tumbled to a low of Rs 196 and finally settled the day at Rs 198, down 10% from its previous close. The counter clocked volumes of 9.52 million shares as compared to the two-week daily average traded volumes of 1.09 million shares on the BSE.
(Updated at 1039hrs)
US based drug major Hospira is in plans of buying the injectable pharmaceuticals business of Chennai-based Orchid Chemicals for Rs 1,860 crore.
The stock today opened at Rs 228, zoomed to a high of Rs 239 and then slipped into the negative to touch a low of Rs 209.
The scrip is now trading at Rs 211, down 4% from its previous close. The counter has clocked volumes of 2.71 million shares as compared to the two-week daily average traded volumes of 1.09 million shares on the BSE.