Shares of Page Industries hit a new high of Rs 52,474, as the stock gained 2.5 per cent on the BSE in Thursday's intra-day trade. The stock of the garments and apparels maker rallied 8 per cent in three days in an otherwise weak market. In comparison the S&P BSE Sensex was down 0.39 per cent at 59,227 points at 10:17 AM.
However, in the past three months, the stock price of Page Industries has soared 35 per cent, as compared to 14 per cent rise in the benchmark index. The strong outperformance of Page Industries was on the
However, in the past three months, the stock price of Page Industries has soared 35 per cent, as compared to 14 per cent rise in the benchmark index. The strong outperformance of Page Industries was on the